Jacopo Belingheri - Commercial Director

Fill in the form (jb)

Art. 13 D.Lgs. 196/2003. The applicant of the service is informed that Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 provides for the protection of persons and other subjects with respect to the processing of personal data, in accordance with applicable laws.


Excellency is served

Sources Bracca

With its mineral and low-mineralized pure source mountain water, Bracca has been guaranteeing health and well-being since 1907, a natural heritage that the company has continuously striven to defend and develop. Constantly updated systems at the cutting edge of technology allow the superb qualities of the water to remain the same.

Get in Touch

Bracca Acque Minerali S.p.A.
Administrative Office, Commercial Offices and Factory

Via Piave n. 67 frazione Ambria
24019 Zogno (BG)

T: +39-0345 91377 / 55601
F: +39-0345 91378

E: info@fontebracca.it



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